Wednesday, February 10, 2010 & repercussions!!

Climate change has become the most threatening problem challenging the mankind.As of now,the dangers can easily be perceived.11 of the last 14 years hv been the hottest on record.The arctic cap is melting and the recent inflamed oil and food prices show us a glimpse of future.The temperature rise must be limited to 2*C & for this to happen,global emissions must peak in 5-7 years.A higher rise of temp wud turn farmlands into deserts,displacing millions & drowning nations.
The Copenhagen summit became crucial `coz the kyoto protocol is due to expire in 2012.A new framework was needed,hence the urgency was shown by 170 countries.The accord concluded thru hard bargaining.It promises $100 billion in annual funding to developing countries from 2020 & $30 million by 2012.The temp rise must be limited to a max of 2degrees.The cricism includes no deadline of a peaking year for emissions,non-binding nature of the accord.
The summit started with an ambitious note to bring drastic emission cuts.Though it took less time for the developing countries to drift apart from the developed ones.The former wanted transparency in the dealings as well as demanded the latter ones to respect the Kyoto Protocol which demands 5.2% cuts in the emission of greenhouse gases namely carbon dioxide,sulphur dioxide,nitrous oxide & sulphur hexafluoride from 1990 levels for Annex 1 nations.The developing nations asked larger cuts for the developed ones `coz its more feasible than them.The personal intervention of Barrack Obama also caused problems as he seemed to single out the Chinese P.M. Wen Jiabao. Wen,on the other hand refused to talk unless the BRIC countries were brought on the table.Hence the outcome was not as expected.
The deadline of declaration of emission cuts expired on 31st Jan.India declared cuts of 20-25% against its emissions of 1 tonne per capita in 2005,China pledged to do it at 40-45% against its 5 tonnes emission.U.S. declared its cuts to 17% against its 23 tonnes in 2005.This have to be done till 2020.India & China have been greatly appreciated for their constuctive role.But once again the U.S. role is in question.A 17% cut in 2005 levels would mean a mere 4% cut against its emissions in 1990.This not even satisfies the Kyoto Protocol.One of the other criticism of the U.S. is it`s not ratifying to the Kyoto Protocol even when it is the one 2 have initiated it.
The summit failed to achieve transparency as well as the desired goals but it has certainly united the world in the common cause of preventing our planet.It has also shown a thornier path ahead in climate change negotiations.


  1. Coming back aftr a long gap!!!Simply `coz I wasnt around for quite somtime..will try to b regular...

  2. nice one.....
    but plz get ur head off has been a long time since the summit...MOVE ON to other global issues......
